
Lifelong Learning at an Institution Committed to Lifelong Success

During its inaugural Spring Semester, 十大电竞游戏综合排名|下一 is offering distinctive lifelong learning programs for alums of 十大电竞游戏综合排名 (and individuals they invite) and families of current Barnard students. 我们的目标是促进新的, 令人兴奋的, and intensive opportunities to engage with pressing intellectual questions, while deepening connections across the Barnard network. You can read about Spring 2024 offerings 在这里. 从2024年秋季开始, 十大电竞游戏综合排名|下一 will also provide classes open to broader populations of adult learners, as a means of broadening access to the incredible work produced by Barnard.

自2018年以来, 世界十大电子游戏平台 has provided lifelong career support for the global network of Barnard's 37,000 living graduates. 世界十大电子游戏平台 provides lifelong career support to graduates in alignment with Barnard's mission as a women's college. Women experience more interruptions in their careers and more career changes than men — and it is vital for women to have access to exceptional career support during these moments of transition. To provide unfettered access to career support aligns deeply with Barnard's core mission as an institution.

但毫无疑问, it's the curriculum and the intensive experience of the liberal arts and sciences that draws students to Barnard — and a commitment to learning and exploration remains core to the identity of graduates when they leave the College. By creating lifelong opportunities to engage with Barnard's curriculum, we aim to serve a vital need: to foster growth, 发展, 一技之长, and connection on the basis of a shared passion for learning. 十大电竞游戏综合排名|下一 represents the College's effort to create distinctive engagement opportunities at the intersections of Barnard's historic strengths, leveraging its relationship to the City of New York, its commitment to equity and exploration of gender in all its complexity, 它的全球影响力.

十大电竞游戏综合排名| 2024年春季

十大电竞游戏综合排名|下一's inaugural offerings in Spring 2024 will offer access to 令人兴奋的 Barnard faculty and experts. 十大电竞游戏综合排名|下一 participants will be able to attend up to six faculty-led lectures, as well as two keynote addresses. In-person attendees will also be able to take advantage of networking sessions and receptions, and — of course — the opportunity to be back on campus in Morningside Heights.


Barnard alums (and individuals they invite) and families of current Barnard students can 现在注册 for the Spring 2024 Explorers Series 或个别星期六— the inaugural 十大电竞游戏综合排名|下一. Questions about participation can be addressed to barnardnext@economicecology.com.